多刺的, 不开心, 父母的不幸离世让她伤痕累累, Maria Latif is bustled off from Pakistan to Long Island, 纽约. After being bounced from relative to unfortunate relative, 她现在打算和家人的朋友住在一起. Still, the orphaned Maria knows this is just another temporary landing place. 当她到达时, 玛丽亚已经准备好讨厌纽约了, but there is a secret about the Clayborne House on Long Island that she doesn’t understand. 一个不被爱的人, 没有, and unclaimed garden hums and thrums makes Maria think that this bit of earth can be hers. 有花园阅读更多→

复古由Sofia Lapuente设计 and 杰罗德·Shusterman shares the sound track to Luna Maria Valero Inglesias’ life and her efforts at revolution. Living in Northern California and attending El Dorado High School, Luna learns the hard way that a screen shot can be as lethal as a gunshot. After her supposed friend Samantha Darby sets her up as a shoplifter, Luna takes revenge by posting a character-damaging video that leads to Samantha’s suicide attempt. 现在被内疚和希望所困, 卢娜向Limbo伸出手, the app that served as the gasoline to the match she lit that set Samantha ablaze. 令人惊讶的是,地狱阅读更多→

Although Mason Deaver’s novel The Feeling of Falling in Love is indeed a love story, 正如标题所暗示的那样, 这也与自尊有关, 社会阶层差异, and the exploration of sexual and gender identity. Neil Kearney, a transgender teen, has a “friends with benefits” relationship with his friend Josh. Both use the relationship for stress relief and mutual pleasure. However, when Josh decides he loves Neil, Neil panics and invokes the Pull-Out Clause. Now, he has a week to prove to Josh that he has moved on with his roommate, Wyatt Fowler.  What could possibly go wrong, especially since Wyatt claims to be a阅读更多→

Alias Anna: A True Story of Outwitting the Nazis by Susan Hood with Greg Dawson is a novel about the Holocaust told in verse and organized into seven parts. The story rings with Zhanna’s love for her Ukrainian homeland, 为她失去的家人感到悲伤, 以及对斯大林和纳粹的愤怒. The story opens with the insatiable curiosity of Zhanna Arshanskaya, a born explorer. 直到1935年, 詹娜和她的妹妹, 皮肤利什曼病, 在别尔江斯克过着甜蜜的生活, 乌克兰, 坐落在亚速海附近. When Stalin begins to devour their country and imposes “death by hunger,这个家庭被迫在阅读更多→

With its first line: “The prison is always quiet but never still,” I suspected The River Has Teeth would be suspenseful and riveting. 艾丽卡·沃特斯没有让人失望.  Her novel joins the ranks of good psychological crime thrillers like Silence of the Lambs or the television series Criminal Minds. Besides the main plot thread of girls going missing in The Bend and the mystery of who is murdering them, the book carries several other threads to keep the reader engaged. One thread follows Della Lloyd and her family’s magic, 谋杀, and infinite crimes in brewing potions for customers with vengeful thoughts. 劳埃德一家住在阅读更多→

Seventeen-year-old Hannah Ashton is poised, disciplined, and focused.  Because her audition is approaching for the Corps De Ballet with the South Texas City Ballet Company, 汉娜在她的训练中是无情的. With its structure and predictable patterns, dancing keeps her panic under control.  To review her choreography when she can’t actually perform the steps, 汉娜用手代替脚. 在从事这种无声表演时, 汉娜12年来最好的朋友, Astrid describes Hannah’s hands as looking like they are performing some kind of “badass sign language.” The only other pastime that consumes Hannah and can make her forget life’s阅读更多→

Where the Rhythm Takes You is Sarah Dass’ debut novel, and it joins the ranks of romance novels while being set in Tobago with scenes at Pigeon Point—the stuff postcards and dreams are made of. 通过她的主人公雷纳, 达斯分享了她对加勒比文化的了解, 菜, 地理位置, and 音乐 as she explores the loss of a parent and the fear of following one’s dreams. 天才画家, Reyna has grown up surrounded by nature’s constant growing, 死亡, and changing while immersed in the family business of owning and operating a seaside resort hotel, 的Plumeria.  Her mummy is a perfectionist and a taskmaster, but阅读更多→

Dana L. Davis is an actress, a classical violinist, and now an author.  她的处女作, 蒂芙尼·希尔现在住在这里 is a remarkable book about a sixteen-year-old young woman who has found herself in a tsunami of change after her mother dies from Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Because Grams is an elderly resident in an assisted living facility, suddenly Tiffany is flying from low-income housing in Chicago to a mansion in Los Angeles to live with the doctor dad she didn’t even know existed.  从她熟悉的社区被连根拔起, 学校, and friends and suffering from anxiety disorder, 蒂芙尼必须找到继母的安慰, 四个姐妹,阅读更多→

Some adolescents attempt to break out of the traps they perceive in their current life conditions by acting out; others use creative outlets like 音乐 to escape.  突破 by Kevin Emerson follows the story of fourteen-year-old Anthony Castillo and his best friend Keenan on a twelve day journey to Fall Arts Night in Seattle, 华盛顿. 倾向于夸张, Anthony plays lead guitar in a band called the Rusty Soles, 基南弹奏贝斯.  两个男孩都在凯瑟琳中学上学, a K-8 学校 in which the eighth graders are expected to lead by example.  Anthony takes exception to that nearly impossible expectation by suggesting that eighth graders阅读更多→